Système chauffage couverture Solae

Do you want to be able to dive into 28°C water at any time of year? It’s possible and very pleasant!
Various heating systems, more or less sophisticated, are available that will allow you to adjust the temperature to the nearest degree Celsius. To choose the most suitable, and economical, solution for your lifestyle, you’ll need to consider a number of criteria and evaluate not only the price of the heating system but also the annual cost of energy consumption.

How will you heat your pool? Some questions to ask yourself …

  • What sort of climate does your region have?
  • How often, and for how long at a time, will you use your pool?
  • Is it an indoor or an outdoor pool?
  • Is your pool located at your main home or at a second home?

To guide you in your choice, we recommend that you ask a qualified professional to carry out a pool heating assessment as part of a feasibility study. Why not call one of our Waterair Swimming Pool consultants?

Waterair Swimming Pool heating systems

Dedicated heating systems

Pool heat pumps:

A heat pump absorbs the naturally occurring heat in the air then transforms it and transfers it into the pool water. It is one of the most economical systems on the market. When you choose your heat pump, make sure it complies with current legally required standards. Before you buy, compare different heat pumps with the same features. For your own well-being, and to avoid disturbing your neighbours, choose a silent one.

At Waterair Pools, we offer two ranges of heat pumps:

  • Access range: easy-to-use and powerful heat pumps (non-reversible) that operate optimally from an air temperature of 15°C and allow you to heat the water up to 28°C.
  • Wi-Fi range: powerful and intelligent pumps that be controlled remotely (heating, filtration, lighting) via a smartphone application. This is the recommended solution for second homes. These heat pumps are reversible (ideal for lowering the temperature of water in under-cover pools) and work optimally from 5°C.

However, it is advisable to combine your heating system with a thermal cover to limit heat loss, reduce the evaporation of the water from your pool and prevent it from cooling at night or during bad weather.

Multifunctional heating systems

Solae Waterair cover®: Thanks to its transparent panels, the Solae Waterair cover® is able to heat water for free using solar energy generated via the greenhouse effect. It can increase the temperature by more than 9°C.* In addition to being an environmentally friendly heating solution, the Solae Waterair cover® protects the water from contaminants and allows you to winter your pool.
*Officially confirmed result

1.Greenhouse effect 2.Translucent panel to heat the water 3.Panel for winterising 4.Electric winder 5.Cover with wide overlapping edges 6.Ergonomic ratchet tensioner 7.Aluminium bars 8.Safety net as per standard nf p90-308


Pool shelters generate a greenhouse effect and so can also be an interesting option for heating pool water. A pool shelter also offers other benefits: securing the pool and reducing maintenance. Low, telescopic and removable shelters are all options. Don’t hesitate to seek advice.

A reminder: with a heat pump, don’t forget to invest in a thermal bubble cover to maintain the temperature of your water. Waterair Swimming Pools has two models of bubble cover: the blue bubble cover and the blue and black bubble cover, which limits the growth of algae by preventing photosynthesis. It is also sometimes advisable to use a bubble cover under a high shelter in order to preserve the heat of the water.

In fact, heating your pool without a thermal cover is a bit like heating your home while keeping the windows open: far from being environmentally friendly, it is very inefficient!

If you’re feeling chilly, it’s time to jump in the water! There are many heating solutions available that will enable you to extend your time in the pool and make the most of fine spring and autumn days. Ask for help from one of our consultants in choosing the heating solution that suits you.

Dive in!

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