Piscine sportive : pratiquer le sport à la maison

Thanks to your pool, you’ll have unlimited access to a private fitness space at home. Exercising in water improves your stamina and gets all the muscles in your body working: the perfect way to get in shape!

A pool for swimming and exercising

A pool can be used for all sorts of sports activities: serious swimming, water aerobics or team games. Exercising in water is the ideal way to get in shape and stay healthy. Tone up your whole body and improve your heart and lung capacity, all while reducing the impact on your joints.

A pool is also a fun way to get children to exercise regularly, for example by playing water volleyball, water polo or races against the clock.  There are lots of ways to enjoy memorable family times together while expending some energy!

What size should a fitness pool be?

Some shapes and sizes of pool are better suited for serious swimming than others. Those who like swimming lengths will need to choose a pool at least 8m long to have enough space. 

To ensure an optimal length, think carefully about access to the pool and where to position it. Although a ladder will preserve the swimming area, it’s quite possible to enjoy the comfort of steps. To do so, we recommend that you opt for steps placed outside the pool, or integrated ones positioned at one side. This will allow you to enjoy both a relaxation space and a long swimming area. The Elsa pool with its Enjoy steps is an ideal model for combining exercise and relaxation.
For the more athletic and seasoned swimmers, we recommend the lap pool. Long and narrow, it will give you the space you need to swim lengths with ease. 

However, it’s not essential to have a large pool to enjoy the benefits of water sports. With the right equipment, you can also exercise and swim lengths in a classic-sized pool (e.g. 8m x 4m).

What equipment do I need for a fitness pool?

Different types of equipment are available for exercising in your pool. Here’s an overview:

  • Counter-current system: You can swim on the spot thanks to this water jet that creates a powerful water current. Ideal for medium or mini pools with shorter lengths.
  • Swimming resistance tether: whatever size of pool you have, you can practise the crawl, backstroke, breaststroke or the butterfly with this ergonomic resistance band.
  • Aquabike: aquabiking improves your stamina and keeps your joints supple. Depending on your needs, you’ll slim down or build muscle in your legs with regular sessions and targeted exercises.
  • Diving board: enjoy the advantages of an Olympic pool at home.

What depth is recommended for diving?

To dive safely, it’s essential to choose a pool bottom profile that offers plenty of depth.

Mini-well or Dished floor: sloping gradually from 1.20m to 1.80cm in depth, your pool will be suitable for both games and diving.

To help you make the right choice and create a pool tailored to your needs, a sales advisor will visit your garden to carry out a free and personalised feasibility study.

Dive in!

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