Couverture de piscine Solae chauffante et sécurisante

Want to get the most out of your Waterair swimming pool? Explore the different pool heating solutions available to you.

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Fancy making summer last longer with water that’s a comfortable bathing temperature? Browse the pool heating solutions that are available to you to enhance your comfort and make the fun last longer. 

Solae Waterair® is the perfect solution: it heats your pool through its transparent modules. This exclusive Waterair innovation will get you 6°C extra warmth. Indeed, the multitalented cover also keeps your pool secure, and is very easy to use. 

Heat pumps let you enjoy a heated pool while caring for the environment. It captures natural heat present in the air before converting it to a higher temperature and transferring it to your pool. With Waterair Swimming Pools, you can choose from two ranges of heat pumps: the Access range of easy-to-use heat pumps, and the WiFi range, with its multitude of features to fine-tune your pool’s temperature.